It has been a cold and drizzly day, preceded by a muggy yesterday. Not much to report in particular - major, petty arguments and slaps exchanged with Sis before giving Eve a much needed scrub. The seats took forever to vacuum because they refused to release the glitter Jay's dress left after the formal (the formal! and I hadn't washed her for weeks since then, poor, dear Eve). And now it's raining. Friday: went to yoga with Mum. Am not really feeling more flexible. Touch'll be called off though, so, recovery time. And Dad got another tatt' done - his mate came to our house and did it. I'm still thinking about taking up an apprenticeship when Uni starts up. I need the moolah. It didn't seem all that bloody or bad, nor the needle pen overly large or clumsy. They were having trouble doing the devil's face, so they got me to fill it in on Dad's arm with pen.
I need to make some movies, people, before I go insane. Preferably Bea's present.
I also need a job, dang it.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tea invited us all out paintball-ing; Ess, Bea, Jay and me - up Kulnura way. Up a mountain, higher and higher we wove along the winding road, Tea's mum singing loudly in the driver's seat while Ess dozed and I enjoyed the scenery. We tailed Tea's dad's car and ended up at 'The Paintball Place {'Skirmish at its Best'}'. It was an unarmingly idyllic place - there were green trees and grass, very farm-ish, reminding me very much of my old place.
We padded up - at least, Ess, Tea and I did - and strapped multicoloured bandanas 'round our heads that Tea's mum, Tnya, had brought for us, looking suitably dorkish. We signed a few wavers and got suited up in gear and padding that was very army-esque, and which blew us up to twice our normal size - Bea, being quite small, looking quite dwarfish, but alarmingly capable with her giant gun. The visers (no helmets) were as Tea said they would be - as if they'd been plucked off the set of a Star Wars movie.
We were thrown into it quite suddenly, and it was awesome! You approach it with trepidation at first, until you're hit for the first time - then, you become much more daring than before. Both Ess and I took innumberable shots to the head and our hair grew slick and multicoloured. There were all these courses - giant black pipes, green screens, wooden slatted walls, a rocky bush incline - and though our team, the Yellow, lost every challenge to the formiddable Black, it was fun all the same.
In a capture-the-flag game, our team surged forward together for the first time, and it paid off - Ess had the flag, but no where to hide it so we could get her to the other end. "Ess!" I yelled to her over the gunshots, from my hiding place a few yards away "Do it tag-team style! Pass it off!"
Ess was nodding, and gesturing - Did I want the flag? She seemed to be asking. I still had my vest on, you see - I could stuff it in there. "No, not that!" I was saying, but suddenly they had rushed through the onslaught beside me - about ten of them, nine boys from our team and Essm and they were planning a way to get me to the other side! I shoved the flag up my vest and we plotted, and were about to set out - one boy was going to run ahead of me, the rest flanking us, another bring up the rear so I could pass the flag off to them if I were to be shot - when from all sides there arose frantic yells "SURRENDER!" The Blacks were saying, surrounding us. They were within the six-metre radius, they couldn't shoot us, and we had to give up - but none knew I still had the flag...
So we threw up our arms, and we surrendered, and we moved off to the side with all the other eliminated people, me bent over like a pregnant woman to hide the bulge beneath my vest. What do I do with the flag?? I kept asking, for we were meant to relinquish it, but when I got no answer I threw it into the air and let in lie on an upturned tree. Then "No no no!" someone was saying - and we hid it in a tree for the Blacks to find.
They say all's fair in love and war - and in the free-for-all, I'm afraid Jay and I did a dreaduful thing - I'd been shot, but I had ammunition left over, and I had thrown up my hands to yell: "Does anyone need shot? I have left over Shot!" when the referee yelled to me: "You have shot? Then just unload it on that person over there-"
I looked - it was Jay, standing there about twenty metres down the incline. The ref' saw me pause, my gun lowered - "What? I she your mate?"
"Yeaah..." I said.
In the distance, Jay had waved her hand in a slow, anticipatory wave..... I returned it. Then I threw up my gun -
But Jay was quicker, and soon we were firing point-blank at one another - and she had me in the shoulder, and my ammunition was out, and I threw up my hands - and it was over.
Jay went on to win the free-for-all, and when she came up to meet the rest of us we apologised to each other.
To my utter disappointment, while my friends are speckled with bruises, I have very, very few. Three is all I've been able to find - two nearly invisible, only one of these sore - though my scalp is a little tender. Next time, I think I'll wear less padding.
We padded up - at least, Ess, Tea and I did - and strapped multicoloured bandanas 'round our heads that Tea's mum, Tnya, had brought for us, looking suitably dorkish. We signed a few wavers and got suited up in gear and padding that was very army-esque, and which blew us up to twice our normal size - Bea, being quite small, looking quite dwarfish, but alarmingly capable with her giant gun. The visers (no helmets) were as Tea said they would be - as if they'd been plucked off the set of a Star Wars movie.
We were thrown into it quite suddenly, and it was awesome! You approach it with trepidation at first, until you're hit for the first time - then, you become much more daring than before. Both Ess and I took innumberable shots to the head and our hair grew slick and multicoloured. There were all these courses - giant black pipes, green screens, wooden slatted walls, a rocky bush incline - and though our team, the Yellow, lost every challenge to the formiddable Black, it was fun all the same.
In a capture-the-flag game, our team surged forward together for the first time, and it paid off - Ess had the flag, but no where to hide it so we could get her to the other end. "Ess!" I yelled to her over the gunshots, from my hiding place a few yards away "Do it tag-team style! Pass it off!"
Ess was nodding, and gesturing - Did I want the flag? She seemed to be asking. I still had my vest on, you see - I could stuff it in there. "No, not that!" I was saying, but suddenly they had rushed through the onslaught beside me - about ten of them, nine boys from our team and Essm and they were planning a way to get me to the other side! I shoved the flag up my vest and we plotted, and were about to set out - one boy was going to run ahead of me, the rest flanking us, another bring up the rear so I could pass the flag off to them if I were to be shot - when from all sides there arose frantic yells "SURRENDER!" The Blacks were saying, surrounding us. They were within the six-metre radius, they couldn't shoot us, and we had to give up - but none knew I still had the flag...
So we threw up our arms, and we surrendered, and we moved off to the side with all the other eliminated people, me bent over like a pregnant woman to hide the bulge beneath my vest. What do I do with the flag?? I kept asking, for we were meant to relinquish it, but when I got no answer I threw it into the air and let in lie on an upturned tree. Then "No no no!" someone was saying - and we hid it in a tree for the Blacks to find.
They say all's fair in love and war - and in the free-for-all, I'm afraid Jay and I did a dreaduful thing - I'd been shot, but I had ammunition left over, and I had thrown up my hands to yell: "Does anyone need shot? I have left over Shot!" when the referee yelled to me: "You have shot? Then just unload it on that person over there-"
I looked - it was Jay, standing there about twenty metres down the incline. The ref' saw me pause, my gun lowered - "What? I she your mate?"
"Yeaah..." I said.
In the distance, Jay had waved her hand in a slow, anticipatory wave..... I returned it. Then I threw up my gun -
But Jay was quicker, and soon we were firing point-blank at one another - and she had me in the shoulder, and my ammunition was out, and I threw up my hands - and it was over.
Jay went on to win the free-for-all, and when she came up to meet the rest of us we apologised to each other.
To my utter disappointment, while my friends are speckled with bruises, I have very, very few. Three is all I've been able to find - two nearly invisible, only one of these sore - though my scalp is a little tender. Next time, I think I'll wear less padding.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
formal '08
In all honesty the formal for which I had been so excited about was in reality not the superbly fantastic event I wanted it to be. It was quite anti-climatic. After the Trials it seems everything just sort of fizzles out, and it's a little sad, really. I had my make-up done and my hair all curled and sprayed and pinned etc, the whole shimozzle, but I didn't particularly feel like myself, rather painted, preened, false.
Jay and Tea and I drove around in the pouring rain, thoroughly disorientated in the darkness and the down pour as we tried to navigate the suburb streets. We made a brief appearance at the after-party, for it was rather boring for our tastes - the rain (torrential, now) had forced everyone into a large shed, one half lit, one half dark; people were talking and drinking and milling about, and a small cluster of people danced idly in a corner. But that was about it really.
So we escaped. It was a little thrilling, really; the rain and the thunder, lighting suddenly illuminating the rustic world around you for the briefest of seconds, capturing you in mid-stride, mid-leap, mid-twirl down the drive way, everything for that snapshot eerie and grey. It was early, early morning, and the three of us felt vaguely electric and so awake. We squeezed into my car to discuss our options: we felt guilty for leaving the party, after all, seeing as, realistically we'd see few of those people again - but, it just wasn't our scene. Me, I felt like running through the shadowed paddocks and amongst the farmsteads (for we were out woop-woop somewhere, a place full of rural properties, paddocks and such), throwing my arms about me with the thunder rolling overhead. I just wanted to do something.
And so, we headed off to a friends place, and crept around through the back gate and up to the rear glass slide-door to join their little party there. It was fairly quiet affair, really - we played Singstar and watched movies till four in the morning, and spent the finale of our school-life there..
But I will leave it at that, for now, 'cause Ess is here. And yeah. The End.
Jay and Tea and I drove around in the pouring rain, thoroughly disorientated in the darkness and the down pour as we tried to navigate the suburb streets. We made a brief appearance at the after-party, for it was rather boring for our tastes - the rain (torrential, now) had forced everyone into a large shed, one half lit, one half dark; people were talking and drinking and milling about, and a small cluster of people danced idly in a corner. But that was about it really.
So we escaped. It was a little thrilling, really; the rain and the thunder, lighting suddenly illuminating the rustic world around you for the briefest of seconds, capturing you in mid-stride, mid-leap, mid-twirl down the drive way, everything for that snapshot eerie and grey. It was early, early morning, and the three of us felt vaguely electric and so awake. We squeezed into my car to discuss our options: we felt guilty for leaving the party, after all, seeing as, realistically we'd see few of those people again - but, it just wasn't our scene. Me, I felt like running through the shadowed paddocks and amongst the farmsteads (for we were out woop-woop somewhere, a place full of rural properties, paddocks and such), throwing my arms about me with the thunder rolling overhead. I just wanted to do something.
And so, we headed off to a friends place, and crept around through the back gate and up to the rear glass slide-door to join their little party there. It was fairly quiet affair, really - we played Singstar and watched movies till four in the morning, and spent the finale of our school-life there..
But I will leave it at that, for now, 'cause Ess is here. And yeah. The End.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
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