Thursday, November 20, 2008

formal '08

In all honesty the formal for which I had been so excited about was in reality not the superbly fantastic event I wanted it to be. It was quite anti-climatic. After the Trials it seems everything just sort of fizzles out, and it's a little sad, really. I had my make-up done and my hair all curled and sprayed and pinned etc, the whole shimozzle, but I didn't particularly feel like myself, rather painted, preened, false.

Jay and Tea and I drove around in the pouring rain, thoroughly disorientated in the darkness and the down pour as we tried to navigate the suburb streets. We made a brief appearance at the after-party, for it was rather boring for our tastes - the rain (torrential, now) had forced everyone into a large shed, one half lit, one half dark; people were talking and drinking and milling about, and a small cluster of people danced idly in a corner. But that was about it really.

So we escaped. It was a little thrilling, really; the rain and the thunder, lighting suddenly illuminating the rustic world around you for the briefest of seconds, capturing you in mid-stride, mid-leap, mid-twirl down the drive way, everything for that snapshot eerie and grey. It was early, early morning, and the three of us felt vaguely electric and so awake. We squeezed into my car to discuss our options: we felt guilty for leaving the party, after all, seeing as, realistically we'd see few of those people again - but, it just wasn't our scene. Me, I felt like running through the shadowed paddocks and amongst the farmsteads (for we were out woop-woop somewhere, a place full of rural properties, paddocks and such), throwing my arms about me with the thunder rolling overhead. I just wanted to do something.

And so, we headed off to a friends place, and crept around through the back gate and up to the rear glass slide-door to join their little party there. It was fairly quiet affair, really - we played Singstar and watched movies till four in the morning, and spent the finale of our school-life there..
But I will leave it at that, for now, 'cause Ess is here. And yeah. The End.

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