Thursday, January 1, 2009


I am a little pathetic.

I went to bed last night at a quarter to ten. A quarter to ten! And I felt no guilt - not matter how hard I tried to - about missing the end-of-year-that-only-happens-once-a-year-the-darn-milestone-of-the-year fireworks either. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

In other news:

I still don't feel guilty about it.

But yes. The first of January dawns and ends. It be-eth 2009! I like the sound of 2009. I'm not sure why. I may elaborate further in twelve months or so.

I am so looking forward to Uni. I'm so looking forward to ... life. I've made a number of resolutions I hope to keep - have you?

Washed Eve today. She's developing a mysterious and evasive odour of which I am not particularly fond. I scrubbed and scrubbed every part of her - I even peeled back the seat covers and gave them a thorough going over, scrubbing the naked seat beneath until it stopped oozing brown foam from that suspicious patch {I have a canine companion, you see.}.

And she still smells faintly...unpleasant? I'm not sure - it's an annoying, persistant odour at worst, really. Not terrible. Faintly like feet. But still! I want it out out out!

Poor Eve, sitting on the lawn, gleaming like a splayed white beetle, her unfolded metal carapace.

And yes. At the mo I am thoroughly sticky with sweat and dirt. Sigh.

And that was the beginning of 2009 for me. I hope it isn't reflective of the rest of the year.

Oh, and they shaved my dog.


jacspi said...

Poor Scruffy.

maverick, me? said...

Like the story. Is there a second installment?

Meanwhile back at the ranch, perhaps a car air-freshener might be handy, no? Do we prefer mint~esque or berry~est?

thinking of you,
your pal and mine ~ tash